So many websites give you the same identical boring lodge descriptions that actually tell you nothing. Not us! With loads of pics as well as our expert opinions on WHAT’S HOT & WHAT’S NOT about every lodge, we’ll truly put you in the picture!
Before we started this business, one of the things that really irritated us about most travel websites was that they all seemed to carry the same identical hotel descriptions (clearly written by the hotel itself!) with no opinions or personal insights being expressed at all.
Our lodge reviews should be genuinely useful tools to potential travellers with our personal opinions of the strengths, weaknesses and individual characters of each property.
So when it came to designing our own websites, we were determined that our hotel reviews should be genuinely useful tools to potential travellers. And we do so by giving our personal opinions of what we feel are the strengths, weaknesses and individual characters of each property.
Hopefully you’ll find the WHAT’S HOT & WHAT’S NOT sections as useful as we intended them to be, whilst the comprehensive lodge profiles should help give you a fuller picture of what the lodge is really like - all in an easy-to-read style.
Add to this access to a comprehensive gallery of large images of each property and hopefully you’ll be able to build up a real feel for each property and whether they suit your specific tastes.